Who We Are

Implementing Organization

About Us

The Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO) Botswana is a chapter of a pan-African, youth-led, gender-balanced environmental organization that was founded in Ghana in 2014, and has scaled across 7 African countries. We are dedicated to addressing environmental challenges through youth empowerment, environmental conservation, advocacy, and community engagement.

Our organization has already successfully implemented a number of projects aimed at promoting sustainable development and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship among young people in Botswana.

Our Vision for Impact

The Goal: Building a Climate-Resilient Future

The primary goal of YCC Botswana is to empower and engage youth in climate policy discussions and foster a collaborative environment for addressing climate challenges, thereby forming a coordinated and impactful climate movement that drives sustainable development and climate resilience.

Enhance Youth Participation
Create a formal platform for youth to engage in climate policy discussions and decision-making processes.
Capacity Building
Facilitate training and resources with key partners to equip young people with the skills needed for effective climate action.
Policy Advocacy
Advocate for the inclusion of youth perspectives in national and local climate policies.
Public Awareness
Increase public awareness and support for climate action through targeted campaigns and community engagement.
Partnership Building
Foster collaborations with government bodies, NGOs, CBOs, and international organizations to support youth-led climate initiatives.
Our Aspirations

YCC Botswana Aspirations

Uniting and empowering Botswana’s youth to lead impactful climate action.

Under the guidance of the Youth Climate Council Global Alliance, GAYO-Botswana is establishing the Youth Climate Council (YCC) Botswana, which aims to unite youth efforts in climate action and enhance youth participation in national climate decision-making processes. The Youth Climate Council (YCC) Botswana aspires to bridge the gap between youth and climate policy making processes. By creating a structured platform for youth engagement, the YCC will facilitate meaningful participation in climate related decision-making and foster a collaborative environment for addressing climate challenges. The YCC aims to be a hub for policy consultations, bridging youth and public authorities while enhancing movement solidarity for shared resources and expertise, ultimately delivering a highly positive impact for the collective. Following the aforementioned, the Green Africa Youth Organization – Botswana acknowledges these barriers, thus through its mission, is empowering and setting the pace for inclusive youth participation in climate policy discussions.

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Youth Engaged
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Workshops Conducted
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Partnerships Formed
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Climate Policy Contributions