Our Strategy

Your Voice, Your Impact: Lead the Climate Movement

Botswana, like many African nations, is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The country faces severe challenges such as increased temperatures, unpredictable rainfall patterns, prolonged droughts, and desertification. These environmental changes threaten water security, agricultural productivity, and biodiversity, ultimately impacting the livelihoods and well-being of its people. Youth in Botswana are dynamic and passionate, yet their involvement in climate action is often fragmented and lacks the necessary support and coordination. This has led to a gap in effective youth participation in climate policy discussions and initiatives.

Mode Of Operation

Establish YCC Botswana

Form a steering committee prior to the launch of the YCC and create governance and operation structures for the council.

Launch and Awareness

Officially launch YCC Botswana during the You Sustain Conference (March 12 – 14th, 2025), and initiate public awareness campaigns.

Social Media and Website

Develop and maintain social media pages and a dedicated website to engage with the public and disseminate information.

Partner Engagement

Conduct consultations with potential partners, including consultations with the public, government bodies, NGOs, CBOs, and international organizations, to discuss collaboration and support.

Working Plan Development

Draft a comprehensive two year working plan in collaboration with partners to outline activities, objectives, and strategies.


Quarterly Youth Forums

Organize forums for youth to discuss climate issues, share ideas, and propose solutions.

Training Workshops

Facilitate workshops on climate action, policy advocacy, and project management

Policy Consultations

Engage law makers through forums to engage youth, youth led and youth focused CBOs, local green businesses, and other stakeholders on climate change policies

Policy Advocacy Campaigns

Launch campaigns to advocate for youth inclusive climate policies.

Community Outreach Programs

Facilitate education and grassroots initiatives through engaging youth organizations

Spotlight Climate Organizations

Do a monthly highlight of local organizations doing impactful climate change work.

Annual Stakeholder Brief

Host an annual high-level meeting with policymakers, local organizations, and other stakeholders to discuss pressing climate challenges and youth proposed solutions.